Dedicated to all the hard-working railroaders who have ever hogged an engine, thrown a switch, walked a train, welded a rail, pulled a tie, fixed a circuit, replaced a knuckle, poured fuel or sand, repaired, hostled, cleaned or cursed at a locomotive or a car in the dead of night, in the rain, in the snow, in the glazing heat. You keep America moving, now more than ever.
Initially the train appears to be moving at good speed (I'd estimate 30+ mph). You then notice the trees at the periphery of the screen moving and blowing, then the rain squalls hit at roughly :35 seconds, with very heavy rain and winds at :55 seconds. The grain car starts to roll left at about 1:10. The locomotive, slowing now and crossing a trestle, is struck by a tank car which then rolls right, followed by a boxcar. The volume is low; if you increase the volume the video becomes even more frightening.
One tank car, containing ethylene oxide, requiring the evacuation of the unincorporated town of Lawrence, Illinois.
- Trainorders.com discussion here;
- KOMO News here;
- National Weather Service link here.