Roughly one month ago I chanced upon fellow train enthusiast Roger Burdick whilst awaiting some trains in Gold Run.
We met, shook hands and exchanged sites.
It turns out that Roger not only lives in my area, but hosts a wonderful website, known as "Altafest.com."
For Roger's website, please go here.
Roger's site hosts the Altafest Webcam as well, which documents (every few seconds) the Union Pacific #1 and #2 tracks over Donner in the town of Alta, California -- hence, of course, the term "Altafest," yes?
What is the purpose of "Altafest"? As written on his site:
What is AltaFest? There are really two of them, one at the tracks, which is open to anyone, and one at the house, which is by RSVP only.
The gathering at the tracks is for the express purpose of making foaming fun, exchanging information, exchanging and taking pictures and video, making new friends and (of course) watching trains go by. There are occasional violations of Rule G. Hard liquor, beer and wine have been known to be consumed during this time period.
To keep informed of this and other Northern California updates, I would refer you to and recommend joining the Yahoo group CalRailFans.
You can join CalRailFans here.
Roger, I hope I've pointed some more people to your site and to the YahooGroup!
It's great to know there are fellow enthusiasts in my area!
-- even though you have a railroad crossing signal in your yard, and I don't.
Next Altafest is Labor Day weekend, I And my wife rochelle will not be attending, however we are leaving the house and Altafest in the capable hands of Dave "Danger Dave" Ferreria and Brad "Red Zone" Paulus the two of them are going to our house in our absence and putting on the 'Fest!!!!
Roger, on its face that sounds dangerous; however, it's good you have confidence in Danger Dave! You have a GREAT site and a GREAT webcam!
Wondering if I might be able to drop by for a minute or two. . . ?
Hello there! Keep it up! This is a good read. I will be looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about California by train. I am glad to stop by your site and know more about California by train.
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California by train
Hi mp154-
Just found your great site a couple days ago...thanks for the great pictures, especially the tour of the ACE...I studied it carefully - very interesting...
Looks like we have some commonalities...(we are just a little higher up...)
All the best -
MilePost 190 (Tom and Sue)
(Sorry I am not to geared up for all the social media mechanisms...too busy watching trains and flying...) I would like to figure out how to do a webcam though...
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