Monday, November 26, 2012

UP 7632 East: a Pig through Alta

First, thank you kindly to everyone who reads this blog on a permanent or occasional basis.

I couldn't do it without you, your hits, your support, your viewings.

Wherever you come from, wherever your source, I am thankful for your readership.

I could only wish one thing: that the blog is hit by professional engineers, conductors, MOW workers and the like.  By all the crafts extant.

Having said that, a new video for your perusal:

UP 7632 is a GE C45ACCTE, whilst UP 4001 is an SD70M, and UP 4938 is an SD70M manufactured after 2000.

As before, click here to expand the video to its fullest point, and wear headphones for the sound.

I tried some different things leading up to the central character of the video.  I tried to go a bit "artsy" on this one.

If this direction doesn't work for you, please inform me.




  1. Really a mixed freight set up. Guess we will forever have the damn graffiti. From your rail closeup and sound track, their rail oiler isn't working well. The engines are a lot cleaner than we wee here in the Rockies.

  2. I was curious if the "artsy" stuff at the beginning of the video was a distraction, or should I include some of that in future videos?


  3. Thanks sir.

    Will perhaps add some of that to future videos.



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High ball! Hit me in Run 8!